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Mustard Oil 6 Key Benefits for Skin

Mustard Oil 6 Key Benefits for Skin

Mustard Oil Is Beneficial For Skin :- Mustard oil is very beneficial for the skin. It can be used for tanning, pimps, wrinkles and dark spots as well as many other things.

Mustard Oil Is Beneficial For Skin :- Mustard oil, ie Massage, has always been in place for children. Our grandmother and grandmother suggest to massage children with bitter oil, not only in olden times. But mustord oil is not only beneficial for children.

Many people still apply mustord oil on the body after taking a bath. Because it moisturizes the body. Not only this, mustard oil gives many benefits to the skin. It also helps in healing wrinkles, pimples, tanning, cracked lips with dark spots.

mustard oil skin

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How mustard oil should be used on the skin.


To remove tanning

If there is tanning somewhere in your face or hands and feet, you can use mustord oil to remove it. For this, you mix lemon juice and yogurt in mustard. Mix it well together. With this paste, massage thoroughly on the tanning area for ten minutes.

To moisturize the skin

It also moisturizes dry skin. For this, take a few drops of mustord oil on the palm, mix a few drops of water with it. Massage the face with this mixture of oil and water for five minutes. After this wash the face.

For wrinkles

Wrinkles are not only on the face, but also in the hands and feet. To remove them, you must massage mustard oil in the face and hands and feet every night before going to sleep. If you make the oil lightly lukewarm, it will be even better. When the oil absorbs into the skin, wipe it with a wet towel.

For pimps

If you are troubled by the problem of pimples on the face, to get rid of it, you must mix mustard oil and coconut oil in equal amounts. Then massage the face with this oil for five minutes with light hands. After this, wash face with cold water.

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For dark spots

If you have dark spots on your face, then to overcome this problem, you can use mustard oil. For this, take one spoon gram flour and two spoons curd and make a paste by mixing half a teaspoon mustard oil in it. Apply this paste on your face like a pack, when it dries, wash the face with cold water.

For chapped lips

If you are troubled by chapped lips, before you sleep at night, apply mustord oil on your lips and massage for two minutes. With this, apply a drop of oil on both your navel and toe. Wash in the morning.

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