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Posts published in “Healthy Life”

In this category we discuss about healthy life such as home remedies, prevention of disease, protection of disease and number of ways how to protect from any types of disease and make healthy life.

How to increase body Immunity

What is Immunity Immunity is the action inside of our body which resist our body by different types of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. Function of Immunity The main function of immunity is remove all the things enter from outside our body. The immunity is the raw material in our…


What Is Constipation Constipation is a very common disease of the digestive tract. In this condition, the bowels do not move regularly, or are not completely empired when they move. Constipation is the chief cause of many disease because such a condition produces toxins which find their way into the…


What Is Depression Depression is the most common of all emotional disorders. This may very from a feeling of slight sadness to utter misery and dejection. It stems from a variety of physical and psychological symptoms which together constitute a syndrome. This is the most unpleasant experience a person can go…

Hypotension – Low Blood Pressure

Low Blood Pressure Low Blood Pressure or hypotension, as it is known in medical parlance, refers to the fall in blood pressure below the normal. It is a condition in which the action of the heart in forcing the blood through the arteries is weak. This is a direct outcomes…

Hypertension-High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure High blood Pressure or Hypertension, as it is more commonly known, is regarded as the silent killer. It is a disease of the modern age. In these days busy lifestyle the physical and mental pressures arise by the metropolitan and industrial condition rise psychological stress. Worry and…

How to Boost Immune System

How to Boost Immune System At this time and this condition of covid-19, Immunity play a very important role in present lifestyle. Corona (covid-19) is a virus they attack our immune system. Most of death occurs at this condition due to weak immune system of people. But, in this busy…

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